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Friends of Prime Hook NWR. The Friends of Prime Hook is a volunteer organization whose primary purpose is to assist the Refuge staff in many areas, such as public awareness, education and maintenance. Maintaining trails, bird houses and bird feeders. Promoting the Refuge at public events. Conducting an annual nature photo contest. As of Mar 13, 2018? .
The Sussex Bird Clubs primary objective is to promote the knowledge and enjoyment of wild birds through guided field trips and monthly meetings about various aspects of birding. Information is also on the CONTACT US. Many members are active bird photographers. As evidenced by Chuck Fullmers outstanding photo below. Chuck has his own web site. Loaded with great bird photos taken in Sussex County, Delaware. Details are on the CALENDAR.
Edward Sigda
Edward Sigda
29920 West Mill Run
Milton, DE, 19968
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Prime Horse vem trabalhando criteriosamente na seleção de suas éguas doadoras de embrião a mais anos. Apresentamos a seguir, a relação de animais á venda, selecionados de forma criteriosa, levando-se em consideração a Qualidade de Andamento e a Performance. A transferência de embriões vem auxiliar de forma mais ágil, todo esse processo de melhoria genética da raça. Para maiores informações entrar em contato. Todos os direitos reservados - PrimeHorse 2014.
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